Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vacation, Day 5 - Boston!

So, day 5....Boston. Met up in Northampton at 7am to get coffee for the long ride out. Stopped to fill the tank, and program the GPS, and off we went. We don't get there as often as we'd like, so I always freak out thinking we'll miss our exit to the T station in Riverside. Traffic was fine til about 20 miles from Newton, then it just slowly crawled along. It took longer to do those last 20 miles than it did for the first 75 miles...

We couldn't have asked for better weather, it was sunny and beautiful all day long.
These are just a few of the bricks that are embedded on Winthrop Lane, There are just over 100 of them total, and I didn't get pictures of all of them. We had lunch in the courtyard of the Boston Public Library (a delicious quiche and fresh greens with vinaigrette), and supper at Dick's last Resort ('gator nuggets).
So, that's just a small portion of the day...I will add more pictures soon. Thankfully, the last few days of my visit were more leisurely and not so picture heavy. We each took just about 400 pics in Boston.
Tomorrow. I'll be flying back home, and I go right into physical inventory at work on Monday. Joy.


G. B. Miller said...


Just wanted to say that these are pretty good vacation shots.

Thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

Thanks, G! I really gave my camera a workout over the last 10n days! I'm still going thru them all, but Will def be sharing more over the next week or so.

Lynn said...

Wonderful shots, Kim. It all sounds lovely.

Kim said...

Lynn: it was a fabulous vacation, thank you!